
Friday, December 2, 2011

A fresh look in the family room.

For years, I had had an old dark console in this window, in our family room. I love the combination of acrylic and industrial. Since I am in perpetual redecorating mode. I thought I would get rid of the wood console and exchange it for this acrylic console. I love mixing old and new and lots of texture. The torcheres are 18th century and are 23kt water gilt. The urn is late 18th century- love the crusty flaky feel to it. The ottomans are some of our industrial look that I put on casters and are great for additional seating when we entertain.
The marble balls are some that I found at Don Scott's Antique show in Atlanta. I have always had a fetish for old books, especially the ones with no real binding. The wonderful old paper has so much character. I use tons of coral and shells with barnacles on them in my interiors work. They are organic and add  to the composition of this arrangement. Of course, little paintings are great in an arrangement. This one is a little french painting that is late 18th century. The dead gray colors in the painting, were just the right value for this monochromatic window decor. 


  1. I am so happy you're writing a blog! I learned of it from Brooke at Velvet & Linen. I have been a fan of your work for quite a few years, and I'm excited, as Brooke put it, to get a glimpse into your creative mind!

    Happy Blogging!


  2. I like it here, I'll be back a lot!
    I think you'll have a lot of fun in Blogland.

  3. Glad you're blogging, Amy. Have loved your talented work for years now. Also, love your beautiful shop.

    Karen T.

  4. Hi Amy,
    I cam over from Brooke's blog! I am follower of your blog now! If a friend of Brooke is starting a blog,I am sure it will be a lovely one!
    Welcome and the blog community!
    Have great weekend!

  5. So happy you have a blog, am a big big fan and own two of your beautiful pieces of furniture! Found out about you through Brooke and happy I did...welcome!

  6. Welcome to the blogging community. Love your beautiful furniture. Found you through Brook.

  7. Welcome to blogging Amy and looks like you're off to a fabulous start. Love what you did with with your family room console. Very excited to read more about your work.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  8. I know that I'm going to enjoy your blog. I love the fact that your beautiful furnishings are all handcrafted in America.
    Good luck with your blog!

  9. Welcome to blogland. I think you will enjoy this wonderful community. I see that some of my favorite blog friends have already found you.

    All the best,

  10. Welcome to blogging!
    I've always been a fan of your designs and look forward to enjoying your blog. All the best!

  11. Thank you all for your sweet comments. I am so excited to blog and am so looking forward sharing how to rescue, restore and redecorate!

  12. I love how you described it as crusty flaky feel. I never heard anyone describe a home like that before. Very interesting.

    -Zane of ontario honey
