
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

My trip to Bedford

One of my life long dreams has been to write a book. I can't tell you how many times I have hauled incredibly heavy books from Paris like a new born baby. Clutching them in my arms with excitement to get them home and devour them. I love Pinterest and hours can fly by while I am looking at the images. However, nothing will ever replace the glossy cool slick cover of a Rizolli book. The photography is mind blowing and the close up images of textured shutters or Fortuny fabrics and crusty European walls seem to feed a part of my soul that only a beautifully designed and printed book can do. 

Over the years, I noticed that there were several things in common with my favorite books. There was a magical collaboration of two amazing people : Jill Cohen being the publicist and Doug Tunsen, the graphic designer.

My trip to NY was two fold. A creative b-12 shot from the city and to meet and go over my book with the great Jill and Doug team. 

I am grateful to have Jill as a friend and have the ability to now work with her. Her talents and success from Conde Naste to QVC are very impressive. She is beautiful inside and out, on top of being uber brilliant. 

Jill so graciously entertained us at her home in Bedford. We drove over to her neighbors... Martha Stewart and Ralph Lauren... really.... yes really. The homes are historically beautiful with even more amazing rolling manicured lawns. 

We sat down to discuss our plans of a hybrid book that teaches others to rescue and restore furniture while also being a beautiful cocktail table book. 
Doug brought out his layout and I have to be honest, I wept like a baby. A dream that I had always had...was coming true. It was almost too much to bear. Then to be working with two people that I respect and admire so much... we'll you get the magnitude of the day. 

After our meetings, we drove around the quaint town of Bedford and saw Martha's compound.

Then right around the corner was Ralph Lauren's home. He literally bought several magnificent homes and tore them down to have privacy. Acres and acres..... Needless to say the historical society was not happy. These are the beautiful hedges lining the entry to his home. 

We later went to the most quaint little restaurant that Bill and Hillary go to on Saturday nights when they are at their home in Bedford. 

Stay tuned to lots of wonderful new projects and amazing photography impeccably laid out on thick glossy paper......


  1. I can't wait for your book! What a wonderful trip you had :)

  2. amy, i am beyond thrilled for you. the realization of a dream, and one so very lovely, is absolutely thrilling. congratulations!

  3. I anxiously awaiting the pre-sell of your book! How exciting!

  4. I am so very happy for you . I know what it is like when your dream is about to come true, because my dream to buy a house in France and live there is coming true too.
    looking forward to read your book

    Julie x
