
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Rescued Table and Chairs

After sharing with you the Before and After of the Table and Chairs, I wanted to explain and share with you the steps that we took to accomplish a restored table and set of chairs.

When I first saw the table and chairs, I immediately thought to lacquer them but also felt that the table needed something. I then thought how awesome it would be to inlay a mirror that we had antiqued! 

Table and Chairs:
Before shot from when they were at the Restore for Habitat for Humanity
I loved the shape and detail of the chairs.
Chair detail
We had to wipe down the pieces before getting started 
so that we would have a clean surface to work with.

 Once the pieces were clean, we took them into a ventilated area to be sprayed with Lacquer.
*Since we were using the Basic Black Lacquer, there was no reason to start off with a Primer since we had a clean surface that was already lighter than the desired color.

When spraying, we made sure to have about 8-10 inches of space and to spray very light coats.
*It is always smart to have a few lighter coats as opposed to one heavy coat.
*You never want the lacquer to drip so make sure to keep your arm moving like using a stroking motion with a paint brush.

For the chairs and table, we used about 5 cans to 
get 2 good glossy coats of the Basic Black Lacquer.

Once I decided to inlay a piece of mirror, we measured the area of where it would be placed.
We then cut the mirror to size.
The piece of mirror was antiqued using the Antique Mirror Stripped followed by the Antique Mirror Solution.
We then just glued the piece of mirror into place.

The final furniture set!

We simply used the Basic Black Lacquer and Antique Mirror Kit to rescue these pieces of furniture.

 Finished set of Table and Chairs

We had a great time finishing this table and set of chairs 
using the Amy Howard At Home products 
and hope to inspire you with how many different ways that you can use the products!

1 comment:

  1. Love it . The mirror I think ..made it PERFECT !!! Such an awesome IDEA. Thanks for sharing such awesomeness with your readers my friend.
