
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Featured Retailer: Operation Magpie

I am excited to share with you our Featured Retailer this week, Operation Magpie.  Operation Magpie’s owner Lori came all the way from Canada to train with Amy Howard At Home ® team in Memphis.  Operation Magpie is all about empowering ourselves and trusting our creative inclinations.

What made you decide to start your own business? 
Lori: I felt a calling to open my own shop that I had a hard time articulating.  I felt a deep seeded truth that this was where I needed to be, so much so that the thought of not opening was physically painful.  I have always needed a creative outlet and I am so thankful and grateful to my clients that allow me to be able to do what I love everyday!

A: What is your company motto?
L: I don't have a company motto but I do have a mission statement.
"At Operation Magpie we believe that women are powerful beyond measure.  We believe in a world where women can achieve anything when we support each other.  We believe that embracing another woman’s success does not make us less it makes the world a better place.  We believe in building confidence by doing.  We believe the home is a sacred place of imperfection.  We believe everyone needs a beautiful space to call home and we are here to show you it doesn’t take a lot of money to do that."

A: What do you love about having a store? 
L: I love seeing my clients eyes light up when they look at a piece they just finished.  It doesn't matter if it's a piece of sample trim or a table, they just shine with pride and excitement!
Mother/Son duo came in for a One Step Antiquing Workshop

A: What is your favorite AHAH product? color?  
L: I don't have a favorite AHAH product...I love it all!  I love the variety and versatility of the AHAH products that allow me to create so many different looks and finishes.  Graphite is one of my favorite one step colors.  

A: What sets you apart for other stores in your area? 
L: I am finally comfortable saying I'm an artist!  It is my vision and aesthetic that sets me apart.  What others may see as a tired worn out piece of furniture, I see an elegant refinished piece, the color and details are clear to me.  I would love to take credit for that vision but I'm just the vessel!

A: I cannot live without my...
L: The support of my family... And my french press!

A: What is your favorite season?
L: Fall has always been my favorite season.  My love of the textures, colors and layering go back to my days in high end women's wear.  Except now I'm crazy about cozy blankets instead of sweaters.

A: What is your aesthetic in 3 words?
L: Eclectic, comfortable, handmade
Workshop Area
Beautiful Display Cabinet

Lori Smith, Owner
Operation Magpie
82 York St. Unit A, 
London, ON, N6A 1A6
Tel:519-601-1663 | Cell: 519-719-3821

Rescue, Restore, Redecorate™

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